How to do a college essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Dramatic Irony In Oedipus The King Essay Example For Students
Emotional Irony In Oedipus The King Essay Analyze the job of the Inspector in J. B. Priestleys An Inspector calls By definition, the word Inspector is 1. An authority named to examine. 2. A cop positioning between a sergeant and boss Inspector. Whilst a typical Inspector is there to discover the culprit of a wrongdoing, the Inspector in this play gives off an impression of being there for totally different reasons. The Birlings, Arthur, Sybil, Sheila, Eric and Gerald Croft, are observing Sheila and Geralds commitment, everybody is in a cheerful and happy state of mind. Arthur is addressing them all on how everything will be okay. Youll be facing a daily reality such that would have overlooked all these capital versus Labor disturbances and all these senseless little war scares. He likewise says that there won't be a war, the Titanic is resilient and that a man needs to stay out of other people's affairs and take care of himself and his own. This is sensational incongruity as the crowds of this play have most likely survived these events. Suddenly the doorbell rings and the Inspector enters. This occurs at such a urgent point, nearly to spare Arthur Birling from humiliating himself before the cast and post-war crowd of 1945. From the outset, the Inspector seems, by all accounts, to resemble any customary Inspector of that time, Stage bearings page 11  A man in his fifties, wearing a plain darkish suit of the period. He mixes in with the Birlings, and doesn't look strange. He accompanies updates on a little youngster called Eva Smith, who ended it all due to gulping disinfectant. So from the start sight, the play gives off an impression of being a whodunit type, in which generally the personality of the criminal would be uncovered. Here be that as it may, each character is appeared as an assistant to kill, however not one of them has done anything to Eva Smith which a courtroom would portray a wrongdoing. We know Eva Smith has carried out self destruction, so for what reason is the Inspector scrutinizing the Birlings if there is no crook? What is he attempting to demonstrate? On the off chance that hes not an Inspector, what right? There gives off an impression of being joins between the Inspector and the powerful, he seems to have some otherworldly implications, his very name proposes this: The actuality that this will sound to the crowd like devil (which means spooky ghost) implies that they quickly wonder about his birthplaces; the characters in front of an audience may not really get on this, particularly as he obviously spelt his name out for them, to maintain a strategic distance from disarray maybe. The conspicuous quip on Inspector Gooles name could depict him as a soul, sent in the interest of the dead young lady to torment the inner voices of the characters in the play. On the other hand, he could be a type of inestimable cop directing a request as a primer to the day of judgment, or essentially as an admonishing of what might be on the horizon. It appeared that J. B holy would not like to part with the Inspectors genuine personality, to have uncovered his way of life as a hoaxer or as a sprit would have spoilt the strain that makes the play so effective. There is a demeanor of danger about the Inspector, he is there for a specific explanation, and threatens different characters. He talks cautiously, weightily, and has a perplexing propensity for taking a gander at the individual he addresses before really speaking. He talks cautiously so nothing is misjudged, so he fits in with the privileged and white collar class individuals. He is there to give them every one of the an imperatively significant message and it can not be confounded, he talks with a feeling of power and his perturbing propensity is extremely scary. On the off chance that he doesn't carry on thusly, he may not be paid attention to as thus his message won't be noticed. On the stage, the Inspector must show up genuine, from the outset there must be no error in his personality, these stage headings guarantee this. .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 , .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .postImageUrl , .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 , .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:hover , .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:visited , .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:active { border:0!important; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:active , .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-design: underline; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c 53a2c72c22a77 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uca6724b7603e32b651c53a2c72c22a77:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Blood Brothers by play compose Willy Russell EssayCreates immediately an impression of greatness, robustness and purposefulness. He appears to fill the entire stage, the characters may not see him from the start, yet the crowds absolutely do! It is significant that he seems, by all accounts, to be genuine as inquiries might be posed about his character and presence before he leaves. He has work to do, he is there for a reason, and it's anything but a social call! The Inspector addresses every one of the Birlings and Gerald Croft separately and in altogether different manners. Not really in the manner an Inspector would customarily pose inquiries identifying with a suicide. One individual and one line of enquiry at a time. He needs to be in charge of the enquiry. In the event that everybody is talking without a moment's delay, key subtleties might be passed up a major opportunity. The Inspector changes his style of addressing relying upon who he is conversing with. This is an open inquiry, which requires a nitty gritty answer; the Inspector just uses open inquiries on Sheila, Eric and Gerald on the grounds that they are simpler to get data out of. He needs to utilize shut inquiries for Mr. what's more, Mrs. Birling. Inspector (to Mr. Birling) I think you recall Eva Smith now, dont you? Mr. Birling must answer yes or no to this inquiry, there is no opposite way around it. Mrs. Birling is significantly increasingly hard to address.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Immigration Policy and illegal immigrants Term Paper
Movement Policy and illicit outsiders - Term Paper Example For a country made and prospered by workers and legitimately appreciated by foreigners from over the globe, it is very dumbfounding to abuse and adventure cutting edge settlers. The disastrous and negative undertone related with movement in the US is likewise seen to additionally corrupt the lives of Native Americans, African-Americans and Chicanas (Moreno, 2004). These gatherings are treated as lesser residents in their own nation and now and again compelled to experience the disgrace of being generalized as illicit residents (Hernandez, 2009). In the midst of all these migration cynicism, it is seen that unlawful migrants do have positives particularly in respects financial and political contemplations. This examination will give a foundation on the issue of illicit movement in the US as far as present migration arrangement and the Bracero Program, before talking about the expenses and advantages that unlawful migration brings to the country. The investigation will be founded on th e reason that unlawful migration is helpful to the United States. Foundation According to the CBO (2006), US migration strategy is tied down on three objectives. The first is to rejoin families through affirmation of workers who as of now have relatives living in the US. Also is to concede gifted work so as to meet anticipated work deficiencies and ultimately to give asylum to individuals in danger of political, strict or racial abuse in their nations of origin. These three objectives are the aftereffect of development of the nation’s migration strategy after some time. Regarding illicit movement, the law characterizes such people as unapproved outsiders who enter the US without lawful documentation or who exceed their brief visa prerequisites. The arrangement of managing such people is through anxiety either at the purpose of section or inside the US. it has been contended that inability to devise sound and reasonable movement strategy has brought about the debilitating of t he American economy, peril of discretion and dangers to national security (Council on Foreign Relations, 2009). Such perspectives have prompted the abuse and slander of unlawful foreigners in an apparently across the country hostile to movement talk. An investigate the viability of the present worry, harsh and exclusionary approach by the US on illicit movement demonstrates that it has to a great extent neglected to handle the issue and rather powered the counter migration notions in the populace which are more dramatist driven as opposed to reality based. Outskirt suppression and rejection have impermanent kept unlawful settlers from coming back to their nations with specific reference to Mexico, which has added to the â€Å"problem†, while simultaneously prompting expanded refinement and criminalization of illicit movement. All the more critically, it has prompted expanded lack of approachability to unlawful settlers by the locals, which is showed through outrageous thought fulness regarding the issue and attack of workers dependent on their assumed financial expenses to the detriment of residents viably changing the issue into a supposed national crisis (Arnold, 2011). The way to understanding the cost/advantage discussion and taking a situation on it is through breaking down the 1942-1964 Bracero Program which permitted Mexican nationals to work incidentally in farming fields, in the US, observing laws and political understandings between the US and
Sunday, August 2, 2020
I know youre bad at something
I know you’re bad at something The brass drops off, and suddenly youre alone with the rhythm section. All eyes are on you, as you lift your instrument to your mouth. This is improvisation: there is no script, no written notes just blank measures and symbols telling you what key youre supposed to be soloing in. Its your chance to play whatever you want! Maybe this sounds delightful to you. Freedom! A chance to be expressive and creative in front of lots of other people! For me, this sounds like: My Worst Nightmare! A chance to freak out and embarrass myself in front of lots of other people! I took improvised solos for seven years. I joined the middle school jazz band in sixth grade, and then continued with the high school version three years later. Nothing before or since has come close to terrifying me as much as those solos, as illustrated in the following table. Here, Fear Level is inversely proportional to The Number Of Seconds I Think I Have Before I Throw Up. Scary things Fear Level The dark 130 The angel statues from Doctor Who 160 Axe murderers 155 Improvised solos 938,324,129 That Creepy Guy staring at me from across the airport lounge while I write this 20* *Please. I could totally take him. My band teacher, Mr. L, assigned me my first solo in sixth grade. Just straight up told me that I was going to do it. I practiced hard at home and played it well when alone, but in class my hands shook and I pressed my mouthpiece so hard to my lips that they went numb and no notes came out. It was humiliating, and every time I was convinced that Mr. L would take my solo away from me. The big scary eighth grade boys in my section thought so, too; they suggested naming the band The Band Of People Who Cant Play Solos in my honor. Mr. L never took that solo away from me. Three or four measures before the start of the solo, he would give me a smile and a nod. I would lift my instrument up. Blow. Nothing would come out. Panic. Shake. Get a few notes out. Fail. He would wave play on, like nothing happened, while I hid behind my music stand. Three years later, I was in high school, and the system was different. At the beginning of every piece, Mr. L would ask for volunteers for the improvised solo section. For reasons that are still not quite clear to me, I raised my hand almost every time. I knew that if I thought too hard about it, I wouldnt do it so I put myself on autopilot, and shot my hand in the air. On the occasions that I didnt, Mr. L would usually make eye contact with me, and I knew that I was soloing whether I wanted to or not. And boy, was it good for me. I soloed a lot. In class, in concerts at school, in public squares in Malta and in cathedrals in Prague. Id get that little smile and nod from Mr. L, put my trumpet to my mouth, do my thing until the rest of the band started playing again, and ride waves of adrenalin (the terror kind) for the rest of the song. It never got less terrifying, ever. I never got less nervous. My solos improved, but I was never super good. What improved was my willingness to solo: I became better at clearing my head, relaxing, and enjoying my time on stage at saying yes, this is terrifying, and therefore I am going to do it. Every little success felt tremendous (what? a note in the right key? YES!). Every time I inhaled and raised my hand to volunteer at the beginning of the piece, and heard the applause at the end of my solo, I emerged a tin ybit more confident. Here is something I have never regretted doing, ever: impulsively signing up for something because I find it scary or intimidating. At the beginning of freshman year, I joined Dance Troupe, because I liked dancing but the idea of dancing in front of other people practically made me wet my pants. The night of our first performance, I found myself standing on the stage in the dark, seconds before our song began and suddenly wondered what the heck I was doing there. Before I could have a full-blown nervous meltdown, the lights came on, the music started, and all thoughts of the audience disappeared. A few minutes later, I jogged off stage, heart pounding and a huge grin on my face. It was so much fun. Its much less humiliating to stick to things youre good at and, lets face it, people will go to pretty extreme lengths to avoid embarrassing themselves and you can achieve great things that way. It takes a whole new dimension of gut, though, to hold your head up high when doing something youre not good at, in front of other people: to keep on going purely because you enjoy it, and want to improve. So, do something that scares you. Prefrosh: this fall, sign up for one activity that youve always sort of secretly wanted to do but are scared of trying because a) think you might be bad at it or b) youve done it before and youre definitely bad at it or c) you think people would judge you for doing it. Dance. Try out for a sport. Audition for an a cappella group, or an improv comedy troupe. Pick up a new instrument. Get a friend to do it with you, if that makes you feel better. Heck, Ill do it with you. Oh, and that solo in sixth grade? The night of the concert, I rocked it.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Business Plan Essay - 3617 Words
Business Plan My group and I are members of a small chemical company that are going in to business to produce Epsom salts. (Information on Epsom salts can be found in background information). Our company name is The Epsom Company. In order to be the best company we have to ensure the Epsom salts we produce are a good quality. But despite this we are also looking to make a profit and so cost must be as limited as possible. We will need to pay strict attention to the cost of apparatus and equipment and aim to use a minimum amount of chemicals to produce the maximum amount of Epsom salts. Time is also an issue and the least time spent means more Epsom salts and more money. In this experiment we†¦show more content†¦The uses for Epsom salts is highly numerous and from looking at this list of uses you can see how useful and helpful Epsom salts are. Epsom salts are made by reacting magnesium/magnesium carbonate with sulphuric acid (,which I will be doing in this experiment). The chemical formula for Epsom salts is MgSO4.7H2O. I have also researched information on the two chemicals I will be using in this experiment; sulphuric acid and magnesium. Sulphuric acid is a clear, colourless, oily, and odourless liquid. Its chemical formula is H2 SO4. It is also known as battery acid, and hydrogen sulphate. In the United States more sulphuric acid is produced than any other chemical. Its main use is in phosphate fertilizer production. But it also has a number of other uses, most of which have been listed below. * manufacturing explosives * producing other acids * producing parchment paper * making glue * making wood preservatives * producing lead-acid batteries in vehicles * purification of petroleum * pickling of metal * electroplating baths * in nonferrous metallurgy * production of rayon and film * a laboratory reagent Sulphuric acid is very corrosive. It can be found in the air as small droplets or it can be attached to other small particles in the air. When concentrated sulphuric acid is mixedShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan For A Business Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pagesbrand-new business, expand an existing company, or get financing for a business venture, you will need to write a business plan. A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success. Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan. What to Include in Your Business Plan Your businessRead MoreBusiness Plan For A New Venture1355 Words  | 6 PagesA business plan can be used for beginning a new business, to create a more profitable business or for consideration of new services and ideas. A business plan is a written document that gives details on a business idea or venture and present the outlook of the business over a number of years. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Themes Presented through the Characters in George Orwells...
Animal farm is a novel written by George Orwell, in August 1945. It is a very important work of fictional political satire, and educates the reader about the history of a revolution that went horribly wrong, a savage attack on Stalin. Orwell reveals many themes throughout the novel and uses his characters to convey them. Orwell uses an effective combination of human traits with animal’s characteristics that provide the main charm of the characters of animal farm. They are distinct characters and are appropriate figures of political satire. They resemble certain political leaders of society and thus making it humorous and ironic. The main themes that were expressed in this novel are; the power of ideas, power and rebellion. These†¦show more content†¦This all shows the reader that in a few short months power has corrupted Napoleon, he now regards himself as a leader and becomes very selfish and greedy and paranoid, all these suggest that power is bad. Napoleon becomes a very cruel dictator and becomes worse than Mr Jones himself. Snowball represents Hope, in my eyes. He believes there is hope for animals and carries out Old Majors dream, he strives for higher more sophisticated items, but snowball is not as witty as Napoleon. Snowball stands for the greater good, pack mentality, this reinforces the idea of teamwork and friendship and how important they are in everyday society. Snowball inspired the seven commandments and painted them on the board out the front of the farm. Snowball is far sighted and very adventurous in his spirit. He has dreams of one day having machinery and electricity. This shows us that determination and persistence goes along way in this world. Boxer was another character that was always on task, he was diligent and willing to do anything for napoleon. He even came up with quotes that turned into mottos such as â€Å"Napoleon is always right†. Boxer was strong and brave, the admiration of everybody. Boxer taught us about strength and perseverance throughout the novel. Boxer wasn’t the brightest of animals on the farm, he could only master the first few letters of the alphabet. When Napoleon sold boxer to aShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm by George Orwell1100 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: Widely acknowledged as a powerful allegory, the 1945 novella Animal Farm, conceived from the satirical mind of acclaimed author George Orwell, is a harrowing fable of a fictional dystopia that critiques the socialist philosophy of Stalin in terms of his leadership of the Soviet Union. Tired of their servitude to man, a group of farm animals revolt and establish their own society, only to be betrayed into worse servitude by their leaders, the pigs, whose initial virtuous intentionsRead MoreGeorge Orwell and Animal Farm and 19841008 Words  | 5 Pages George Orwell and Animal Farm and 1984 nbsp; George Orwell is only a pen name. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Remember the Titans Free Essays
Remember The Titans The theme of this movie is that we should treat everyone with equal respect, regardless of their skin color or race, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, or religion. We should accept everyone for who they are, rather than trying to change them. It also shows the integration of a racist America into a culturally accepting society with the help of a teacher/coach. We will write a custom essay sample on Remember the Titans or any similar topic only for you Order Now Boone and Yoast are the two main coaches in Remember the Titans. Boone is the new african-american coach and his coaching style is a firm, aggressive one, with high expectations and tough way of reaching these expectations. He is often seen yelling at his players, but never in a way that could be seen as detrimental. Coach Yoast on the other hand uses positive reinforcement to make a better team. He is never seen yelling, is more subtle in his intentions, and although he too has the same high expectations like Boone, he is softer in his ways. I believe that Gerry Bertier is a strong leader and a great role model in this film. He is seen as a strong role model being the captain of the football team, a typical american all-star. He appears competent to his followers in that he is good at leading his team, and is often seen yelling at his teammates when they appear faulty. His teammates, family, and friends rely on him to carry the team. Gerry has high expectations, and wants to have it all- be captain, with a beautiful girlfriend, a perfect family, great friends, college expectations and the hope of winning the championship. Gerry is willing to, after some time, accept his fellow african-american teammates and plays a key role in helping his family and friends do the same. He ends up being inseparable from Julius, an african american teammate. A pivotal scene in the movie is when he tells his former best friend and teammate that he is no longer allowed to play on the team because he purposefully allowed an african american teammate to be injured and proves he will no longer stand of racism. The scene is the movie when Boone takes the boys to the cemetery at 3:30 played a key role in desegregating the team. It was the site for the Battle of Gettysburg, where men fought for the freedom and equality of african americans. He tells them that their families fought for the ability for whites and blacks to coexist, and they were setting them back by not doing so themselves. The five stages of team development are perfectly shown in this film. The first, forming, is shown towards the beginning of the movie where there are two separate teams, neither wanting to combine with the other. They are both seen as strong and close-minded in their views. Then there is the storming phase, which is after the teams must combine to form one racially integrated team, and there is much conflict among them, mostly for petty reasons. Then there is norming, where many of the conflicts can be solved, the teammates have gotten to know each other more and can tolerate each other and a sense of renewed optimism emerges. This level is followed by performing. They come together as a team and are able to perform well during games, win all of them, and are seen as friends and teammates. The final level, adjourning is played around Gerry’s car accident. The team feels heartbroken, and must play the final game without their star player, and it tests their ability to come together, support their teammate, and prove how far they’ve come. Gerry’s definition of family is that family doesn’t just include your immediate genetic relatives, but those whom you love and respect. Gerry and Julius have grown so much together and sometimes only had each other. This concept of family also connects the the theme of the movie- accepting diversity. Did I learn anything form watching Remember the Titans? Absolutely. From a teaching standpoint, when I am in a diverse classroom, I can take the methods of Boone and Yoast, such as integrating other cultures of students together so that they may learn about each other before they judge each other, and that sometimes I need to be firm and not stand for any form of racism. From a non-teacher standpoint, it helped remind me how far we’ve come in history, and how hopefully one day there will be a similar movie on integrating and accepting the gay community as equals because the message of treating EVERYONE as equals isn’t as powerful if not everyone is actually treated as an equal. How to cite Remember the Titans, Essay examples Remember the Titans Free Essays Remember the Titans Directed by Boaz Yakin, Remember the Titans explores racism in the community of Alexandria and the struggles of dealing with an integrated society, school and football team. Remember the Titans makes evident that ultimately the community of Alexandria are the real winners after the Titans gain victory at the Championship and the public learn to accept the opposite race and treat them with newfound respect. The creation of friendships, their attitudes towards each other and realising opportunities are all positives that came from the gradual acceptance of change. We will write a custom essay sample on Remember the Titans or any similar topic only for you Order Now Characters in the film form friendships within the community whether they’re African-American or Caucasian, subsequently to the good example set by the Titans’ Championship team. This is seen through Julius Campbell and Gerry Bertier when they are placed in a room together on football camp causing agitation between the two. Julius and Gerry first meet when they are seated together on the bus and Coach Boone announces â€Å"the person I have you sitting next to is the same one that you’ll be rooming with for the duration of this camp†. The two characters show their hate for each other in many ways, the first being on the bus Julius tells Gerry he â€Å"can shut-up†, causing more conflict between the two. Together with the encounter over a poster in their room, it’s clear the two are far from friends. Although as the team starts pulling together and begin to win their games of football this changes dramatically. Gerry listens to Julius and lectures one of the team members, Gerry’s best friend about his terrible blocking for one of the African-American players. This results in Julius and Gerry shouting â€Å"left-side†â€Å"strong side†at each other, being the start of a close friendship and unity. This great friendship develops over time and they soon become so close they call each other â€Å"brother[s]†and Gerry invites Julius over to meet his â€Å"mama†which is a big deal, considering at the start of their friendship Gerry’s mum didn’t agree with it. Sheryl and Nicky become friends after the Titans work as an integrated team and they gradually grow to have similar interests instead of being totally opposed to spending time with each other. In the beginning of the film the two girls were totally different, Sheryl not putting in any effort to â€Å"play dolls†or Nicky refusing to play basketball because she â€Å"just did [her] nails†. Ultimately they get excited with each other about the Titans winning streak and celebrate by hugging and jumping around together. This shows friendship formed because of the Titans and the team’s victory. The success of the Titans is a positive reflection on the relationships formed within the team, where their cohesion allows the rest of the Alexandria community to see the benefits of amalgamation and inter-racial respect. Conclusively the whole town of Alexandria benefitted and were the winners after all, due to the Titans helping form friendships. In the film, Remember the Titans the town of Alexandria was disadvantaged by being segregated, where not only were the people in the community missing out on friendships opportunities, but also business and team opportunities. They were missing out on a different, more helpful and compassionate way of life. An example of this is the business that turns away Petey and Blue to eat there because they’re African-American. The diner misses out on a sale not only then, but from all the other hundred or more Negro people that would purchase food there if they were accepted. But instead they were told â€Å"to head out back and pick it up from there†as if having a person with a different appearance in their diner would affect business sales. â€Å"in Virginia, high school football is a way of life,†and throughout Remember the Titans the team are significant social leaders, to both races; black and white. Especially after the Titans win the Championship, the audience sees Alexandria realise that their people are all the same, and finally start to treat each other with some respect. â€Å"You taught his city how to trust the soul of a man, rather than the look of him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ If Alexandria was still segregated the friendships wouldn’t be the same: the Titans might not have won the Championship game, Coach Yoast could have received a place in the â€Å"Hall of Fame†, Gerry wouldn’t have had the car accident, they wouldn’t have accepted change, and they would still be as close minded, biased and prejudiced as they were the year before the game. The town showed a real change after the Titans won the Northern Regional Championship Game, all the people of the town whether they were black or white were there to cheer and congratulate the team on their victory. This was a huge change in the attitudes of the township. Although the change was hard, the town is better of being integrated due to the transformation after the win thanks to the Titans. It is the tragedies and mistakes within Remember the Titans that cause the community of Alexandria to learn and develop in order to ultimately benefit from the example of the Titans. Even though the town eventually advanced greatly from the example set by the Titans not everybody in the film was a ‘winner’. Ray Budds was part of the Titans, but as the team advanced in their acceptance Ray did not change in the way he felt about integration. Eventually he was removed from the team by the person who used to be his best friend, Gerry, after he â€Å"missed the block on purpose†. This consequence for Ray helps the team move forward together after gaining more unity and helping each other more, with no negative relationships in the team. Coach Yoast also had to sacrifice something to help the Titans; willingly Yoast gives up his spot in the â€Å"Hall of Fame†so that the team can fairly win one of the games of football they play. Even though he had worked extremely hard for that spot, he realised that it was not right to let the other team cheat on his behalf to acquire the Hall of Fame place. Coach Yoast understood that the people choosing the recipient were a â€Å"bunch of rednecks†and that himself and his daughter Sheryl would work just as hard to be the receiver of the Hall of Fame place next year, once the judgemental people realised he was a worthy recipient. Ultimately the town and the people in the town had to sacrifice some important things in their lives after they realised it was the right thing to do, making the town of Alexandria a better, happier, integrated town. Throughout Boaz Yakin’s Remember the Titans people change, to overall make the town of Alexandria a better place to live and work. No matter what race, people in Alexandria are accepted. Being able to accept something different is a difficult task and the Titans set the example and helped Alexandria as a whole to be winners. How to cite Remember the Titans, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Persepolis free essay sample
We all are born into this world unique; we live differently, because we experience different things in our life. The environment and space around us affects and shape us since we were young. This means that the spaces that exist externally from us are affecting and shaping us up in a certain way. We often refer it to the background of the person what they have been through in their life. The author of Persepolis†Marjane Satrapi was born during the Islamic revolution, where things were in an extreme condition compared to condition of our modern society. The environment was unpleasant. Violent acts, torturing, deaths, and forceful actions surrounded her. Later Marjane Satrapi’s establish her book â€Å"Persepolis†. The book is a narrative of her life from six years of age until fourteen years of age. She provides the childhood perspective from which the historical events of the novel are understood. We will write a custom essay sample on Persepolis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Philosopher Karl Marx (1818 to 1883) introduces his theory; Marxism’s theories include economic theory, sociological theory, philosophical method, and revolutionary change class-relations. Neo-Marxism is a new version of Marxism theories, but without the social classes determinism. The theory focuses more on inequality in society like power and status or â€Å"how material conditions and economic practices shape dominant ideology regarding taken- for- granted assumptions about who â€Å" ought to be†and â€Å" ought not to be†empowered. Discussing about power and money could lead to the idea of â€Å"hegemony†. Hegemony refers to privileging of a dominant group’s ideology over that of other groups. As an illustration, the dominant groups or person in The United States is the government of ultimately Barrack Obama, as a president it is normal that he is in charge and control of The United States. The following paragraphs, will analyze chapter bicycle, the sheep, and the passport through neo-Marxist perspective and interpret how can relates to a rhetoric, ideologies or larger implication in our society. There are many ideologies are the dominant idea that occurred in the book Persepolis. Some of them might be a strange and seem non-sense for us. The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Tries to reform the country and tries to modernize Iran. He was inspired by his father’s ideology of creating machining that can run the country. It seems people are against him because the Islamic culture was more the dominant ideology for Iranian. It was mainly rejection of Shahs policies, his policies that caused financial crisis, rebellion from peasants an well as being defeated at war. The main dominant ideology in Iran came from Jalal Al-el Ahmad’s idea â€Å"Gharbzadegi†it basically a perspective toward western culture that they are plague, toxic, poison, and should be eliminated. During the long period revolution we can see two major different ideologies from different groups. The first ideology is the shah’s ideology of modernizing Iran, combining the western culture and the Iranian culture together, before 1979 Iranian were allow to dress and express themselves freely but after the revolution the citizen needs to wear veil. The second ideology is from the majority of people that are against the Shah’s policy. Ruhollah Khomeini led the main dominant ideology; he was an Iranian religious leader people pray respect to. Ruhollah Khomeini, return to Iran after the revolution came to success the Shah was flees into exile. A extreme ideologies can be found in North Korea, North Korea is the most isolated country in he world, the city look the same and never change after the second world war. Kim Jung ill is the leader of the North Korea. North Korea is also known as Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. People in North Korea cannot leave their country. The school is a place to brainwash people. I when I watch a documentary about north Korean in Netflix, when Kim Ill sung died everyone cry so much it is very crazy to see something like this. He is almost like their god, they all though that they have a really good life because of him. Everybody see him as providers, father of nation. We can see that North Korean is dominant by this ideology and it is a norm for them. They might not even know how the world outside their country looks, since all the information are being censored and filtered. In the chapter the bicycle in Persepolis, the Rex cinema in Abadan, Iran was burnt down, more than 400 victims were burnt to death. Even though the police was there, they were only there to make sure no one go in and rescue the people that are trapped inside (p15). Even thought the news sates that it was the religious groups, everybody knew it was the Shah, and they didn’t fall for the illusion. The hegemony in this incident is that, the Shah uses his power as an Emperor of Iran to control the media such as newspaper, radio, etc. Although he tries to convey people to believe him the way he wanted, people knew that the it was plan and done by the Shah’s parties. In the context of Iranian history, this order was the biggest mistake he made, this provokes the more people. And a lot were against his regime more and the revolution was taken to the next level until the Iranian finally success. Marji loves her uncle very much, she sees him as a hero because he was imprison for stand again the shah’s regime. After, Marji found out that her uncle Anoosh had been arrested for. Anoosh has a right to see one visitor and Marji was the one he wanted to see. He told Marji that she is a little girl he always wanted to have, and that one day the Proletariat will rule, and that visit was the last time Marji saw her uncle. The newspaper reports that he is a Russian spy and has been executed (70). After that incident Marji banished god from her life. It was the beginning of the war, this type of hegemonies can be found in almost any urban cities or countries. In the chapter the passport, after Marjane and her father left the hospital to visit her father’s acquaintance Khosro. Khosro’s brother and Uncle Anoosh were in prison together during the Shah Dynasty time. His publishing company was shut down, Khosro have been printing fake passports and it is a big seller. After the deal of making fake passport, Maji and her father went back to the hospital and visit Uncle Taher he just had his third hearth attack. Two days later Niloufar the eighteen years old communist that uncle Taher hid her in the basement got arrested and executed. Taher’s last wish is to see his son that went aboard for the last time but three weeks later after Niloufar was executed Uncle’s Taher passed away and was buried, meanwhile his real passport was ready for him, but he can’t see his son anymore. The hegemony in this incident is that the Shah uses his power as an Emperor to creates strong base army, he also have a secret police organization similar to CIA called â€Å"Savak†The Shah created a special police unit to help him control the situation from the anti-regime groups. Anyone showing the slightest resistance to the regime was persecuted. This type of hegemony can be found in Thailand, a similar situation, not long ago people revolt against The Ex-priminister Taksin shinawat many times because his ultimate aim is to change Thailand regime system (no king and queen system). It always ends up as a new election, but he still uses his money to buy vote and win his way out. The yellow shirt (against Taksin) successfully flees into exile. The latest revolution is against his sister, Priminister Yingruk Shinawat. Where I live in Bangkok is near the priminister house. I went for a drive; I saw a lot of police Van, police officer and Special unit team. They were gathering in a local school parking lot. They were there to protect the priminister house, I talked to them and they didn’t want to come but it was the order from priminister. In conclusion, Majane was born into an Iranian ideology that was against the Shah ideology. People were revolting against him because they the shah uses his power in a wrong way, and this type of tragedy can be seen over and over again. It constantly reoccurs in our society throughout history. We are human creature and I believe that our nature is to have control over things. The Shah had control over army, military equipment, and media, which are very influential to most of us. He Technologies are developing so fast, communications are easier, but what good would it make, if there were always someone controlling us. Although North Korea has Internet, phone, computer, and e-mail, they were all censored and filtered. So what seems to be norm doesn’t mean it is a norm. No matter where we are, we will be influence by the dominant ideology of certain group culture, tradition, religion, and it requires a critical thinking and looking at things carefully to judge it. Like the famous saying; the fish never knew there is water, until it got out of it.
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